Message from the College Master

Dear Students,

It is my very great pleasure to welcome you most warmly to Cheong Kun Lun College! I believe you will find the College a very warm and friendly place, which is like home for you to live, learn and grow.

Our dedicated staff members work very hard to develop a stimulating and engaging environment for your well-rounded University life. Throughout your stay at the College, you will live together with your fellow students, meet our staff members,  our non-resident fellows and affiliates, and gain various opportunities for your personal as well as professional growth. CKLC will provide you with a variety of formal and informal activities, such as academic talks and sharings, High Table Dinners and other extracurricular activities. I hope that you will have wonderful college experiences during your stay at CKLC.

I encourage that all of you please make good use of the many resources available in this living and learning community, and bring your potentials into full play in the events and activities. I invite you all to explore and get involved in the various educational opportunities and have an extraordinary rewarding time with us at Cheong Kun Lun College.

I wish you every success in the years ahead!

Prof. WONG Man Chung, College Master

To our prospective students

Virtual Tour to CKLC 書院虛擬導覽

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New publication 書院新書推介

張崑崙書院全人教育的理念與實踐 Cheong Kun Lun College’s Whole Person Education in Action

News & Announcements

CKLC & FPJC: Traditional Village Protection and Rural Revitalization Study Program 2024 (Qianyang Village, Pingnan, Fujian)

August 13th, 2024|

為提升澳門學生對貢獻國家及服務社會的責任感與能力、響應國家鄉村振興戰略及傳統村落保護計劃、增進澳門學生對祖國國情,特別是對中國傳統村落保護及鄉村振興方面的認知及理解、以及促進內地 ...

CKLC Graduation Ceremony 2024

May 10th, 2024|

2024年4月17日,張崑崙書院為本學年的畢業生舉行了畢業晚宴。書院代院長黃民聰教授在歡迎辭中勉勵應屆畢業生,在人生的新階段中勇於作多方面的嘗試,他亦介紹了其中一份書院致送給畢業 ...

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Videos 精彩影片

College Anthem 書院院歌