
CKLC devotes to establishing and developing a vibrant living and learning community to help its members grow into well-rounded graduates who are knowledgeable, self-reflective, socially responsible, respect for others, with wide interests, the ability to rise up in a challenging and multicultural environment, engage in lifelong learning, and with the following characteristics:

陽光 Be sunny: CKLC student builds up a healthy body and a strong mind, be positive and compassionate.

誠實 Be honest: CKLC student behaves honestly and strives to build a community of trust.

合作 Be cooperative: CKLC student develops a strong team spirit and takes care of each other.

進取 Be driven: CKLC student seeks continuous self-improvement, yet be humble enough to learn from others.


In line with the ambitions articulated by the strategic plans of the University of Macau, our College’s mission is to

  • Providing students with a comfortable, safe and relaxing residential environment which is characterized by mutual respect and cooperation;
  • Providing students with opportunities for whole-person development, and integrate formal learning with college life through a rich variety of programs;
  • Establishing formal and informal networks to provide support to the welfare of students;
  • Facilitating students to develop the ability for life-long learning;
  • Providing opportunities for students to obtain experience in self-governance;
  • Introducing and integrating faculty members into student life and student bodies through informal sharing and by exploring their mutual interests.

College Logo

The unit’s logo consists of 2 parts: the icon, and CKLC name in Chinese(張崑崙書院), Portuguese (Colégio Cheong Kun Lun) and English (Cheong Kun Lun College) respectively.
The whole design highlights CKLC’s Chinese culture theme (陽光書院,文化崑崙);
The 2 big Chinese characters (崑崙) in the center of the icon highlight CKLC’s Chinese Name and “崑崙” are culturally rich Chinese characters;
The 4 Chinese characters (曦 誠 協 進) on the bottom of the icon highlight CKLC’s expectation of CKLC members: 陽光(曦), 誠實(誠), 合作(協), 進取(進)(be sunny, be honest, be cooperative, be driven);
The Chinese font used for the icon and the CKLC name in Chinese is 小篆體, highlighting a Chinese cultural characteristic.

College Anthem

張崑崙書院院歌,由屢獲殊榮的女高音歌唱家、書院客座導師盛梅老師,以書院主題: 陽光書院 文化崑崙 (Sunshine College, Profound Culture) 為題作詞,「文化崑崙」是取書院贊助人張崑崙先生的名字,具兩重意義:意指中外歷史上的文化英雄,以此表達張崑崙書院的文化內涵,寄語張崑崙書院同學傳承。歌詞主旨為同學今天在書院學習和磨練自己,他日將繼承和發揚所學,立足世界。

院歌歌詞向全體院生徵曲,經評委商議,採用王愷翀同學創作的旅律。作品交由書院另一位客座導師、本地資深音樂人甘仕良先生潤色及編曲,並由香港浸會大學 翻譯系榮休教授–黎翠珍教授及老師們按旋律成品翻譯英文歌詞。

The lyrics of CKLC College Anthem is written by College Guest Fellow, an outstanding national vocal musician, Dr Sheng Mei. Dr Sheng Mei composed the lyrics based on the College slogan “Sunshine College, Profound Culture”. The slogan is conceived by Senior College Fellow, Director of Centre for Chinese History and Culture, Prof Zhu Shoutong. In Chinese, 「文化崑崙」is from name of the College Donor Mr Cheong Kun Lun, which is a pun to refer to the sublime legacy of Chinese Culture. The theme of the lyrics is to encourage the College students to learn and hone themselves at College so as to equip themselves for standing on the world stage tomorrow.

The College lyrics was called for scores from the College students. The melody composed by student Wang Kaichong was selected in use and polished by College Guest Fellow, a famous local musician, Mr Gum (甘仕良先生). The English lyrics was then composed accordingly by Prof Lai Chui Chun, Emeritus Professor of Hong Kong Baptist University.

College Mascot

Kun Kun is our College Mascot. Kun Kun was designed in 2018 by Lynvo as the winning entrant in a college-mascot design competition. Lynvo was a student of the college, majored in communication and graduated in 2019. Because the main colours of Cheong Kun Lun College are red, gold, and black, in order to highlight the vigorous and positive temperament of the entire College, as well as show the unique elements and spiritual power of our college, this work chooses to design a cartoon Chinese dragon. As a mascot. The main body of the mascot is red, wearing a black CKLC uniform. At the same time, the scales, tail, and horns of the dragon are all golden, which symbolizes that the College is rising like a flying dragon.