Academic Talks 學術講座

Academic Talks 學術講座2022-03-17T10:24:13+08:00

神奇的納米世界 The Magical Nano World by Prof. CAI Yongqing

講座主題:神奇的納米世界 Theme of the talk: The Magical Nano World 講者:蔡永青教授 (應用物理及材料工程研究院) Speaker: Prof. CAI Yongqing (Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering) 納米技術與你有關嗎?有呀,納米技術就在你身邊,透明防曬霜、防水運動褲、防塗鴉塗料及太陽眼鏡,具有抗菌功能的洗衣機等都有使用納米技術。來了解一下神奇的納米世界漲知識吧~ Is nanotechnology relevant to you? Yes, nanotechnology is all around you. Transparent sunscreens, waterproof sweatpants, anti-graffiti paints, sunglasses, and antibacterial washing machines all use nanotechnology. Come and learn about the magical nan ...

劑型設計的藝術:使治療更合理 The Art of Dosage Form Design: Make Therapy More Reasonable by Prof. YU Hua

講座主題:劑型設計的藝術:使治療更合理 Theme of the talk: The Art of Dosage Form Design: Make Therapy More Reasonable 講者:余華 教授 (中華醫藥研究院) Speaker: Prof. YU Hua (Institue of Chinese Medical Sciences) 大家了解你平時服用的藥物形狀、顏色、口味與治療的關係嗎?同一成分的藥物有液體、有咀嚼片也有膠囊,有什麼分別嗎?一起來了解一下吧。1月13日星期四下午5:30,ICMS余華教授為大家講解! Do you know the relation between dosage form and the therapeutic effects? Same kind of drugs may have different dosage forms, for example, one is capsules and the other is chewable tablets. Do they have same therapeutic effec ...

最高級的牢騷 Superlative Whining by Prof. CHEN Xiuping

講座主題:最高級的牢騷 Theme of the talk: Superlative Whining 講者:陳修平教授 (中華醫藥研究院) Speaker: Prof. CHEN Xiuping (Institue of Chinese Medical Science) “歎人生,不如意事,十常八九。” 辛棄疾《賀新郎·用前韻再賦》。遇到不如意之事,不免心生牢騷。你是如何發牢騷的?且聽琅琊居士為您戲說古人發牢騷之趣事。 When encountered unsatisfactory things, one can not help but complain. How do you whine? Let’s listen to Layman Langya jokingly tell you an interesting anecdote about the grumbles of the ancients. ~ 點撃此處查看活動回顧 Click here for activity review~ ...