

澳門大學文學院博士生、張昆侖書院客座導師盛梅女士應邀參加了“濠江清,中國心——慶祝澳門回歸祖國20周年文藝晚會”的演出,與魏松等三位實力派重量級歌唱家領唱《乘風破浪再出發》。這是本場晚會的壓軸節目,場面壯闊,氣勢宏大, 歌曲表達了中國人、澳門人心手相牽、共同逐夢的美好願景。盛梅的歌唱以清雅、輕捷、清麗、親切的風格給人們留下了極爲深刻的印象。







UM PhD student and RC Guest-Fellow Sheng Mei Participated in a Performance to Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Macao’s Return to the Motherland

Ms. Sheng Mei, a PhD candidate of Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Macau and guest fellow of Cheong Kun Lun College, was invited to participate in the celebration show “Passion of Macao, Heart of China – Variety of Show in celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Macao’s Return to the Motherland”.  Sheng Mei was one of the three leading singers to lead the chorus “Brave the Waves and Set Off”. The performing scene was magnificent with over 200 hundred singers in the chorus. The song expressed the beautiful vision of people from greater China including Macao to join hand in hand and look into the future together. Sheng Mei’s singing, with an elegant, clear and intimate style, left a deep impression on the audience. Sheng Mei is an outstanding national vocal musician, who had studied for her Master’s degree with Professor Jin Tielin, a famous vocal educator in China and honorary dean of the China Music Conservatory. She is associate professor of vocal music at Jilin University in the Mainland. She has won multiple gold awards in various singing contests across the country, and has successfully held solo concerts in Beijing, Guangzhou, Zhuhai and other places. She has also traveled to France, the United States, the United Kingdom and Singapore to perform or serve as an international vocal contest judge. Sheng Mei is a guest fellow of Cheong Kun Lun College, at which she has given several music lectures and provided guidance to students on how to develop a good voice and to sing songs well. Her lectures and supervision were well received by students and audiences from different departments.