Dear CKLCers,

琴約崑崙現正召募你的參與! (一粒至叻星, 15CS)

Joint Concert with ELITE is now calling for registration! (1SP & 15CS)

Date: 16 Nov 2019

Time: 15:00 – 17:00

Refreshment will be ready for participants.

ELITE is a non-profit organization which promotes the creativity of music. On 16 Nov, together with members of ELITE, we will experience a joyful and relaxing afternoon with music performance. Let’s enjoy music with joy together!

日期﹕ 11月16日



精創音樂文化協會為一非牟利組織,旨在以精心創造, 精心栽培作為對音樂才藝發展的承諾,以音樂啟發想像。這場音樂聯歡會上,協會成員及張崑崙書院同學將為大家帶來豐富的音樂演出,以音樂為我們帶來一個寫意歡樂的週末下午。11月16日,約定你!

Registration: Scan the QR code to join.

** 1SP & 15.0 “Cultural Engagement” (CS) will be given to the participants.**

Should you have any enquiries, please email to or call (853) 8822-9520.

Best Regards,

Cheong Kun Lun College

University of Macau
Tel: (853) 8822 9520

Fax: (853) 8822 2381