
Theme of the talk: Superlative Whining

講者:陳修平教授 (中華醫藥研究院)

Speaker: Prof. CHEN Xiuping (Institue of Chinese Medical Science)

“歎人生,不如意事,十常八九。” 辛棄疾《賀新郎·用前韻再賦》。遇到不如意之事,不免心生牢騷。你是如何發牢騷的?且聽琅琊居士為您戲說古人發牢騷之趣事。

When encountered unsatisfactory things, one can not help but complain. How do you whine? Let’s listen to Layman Langya jokingly tell you an interesting anecdote about the grumbles of the ancients.

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