校友及發展辦公室於2016年11月16日下午舉行 “拜訪獎學金機構──中國銀行(澳門分行)活動"。是次活動是一個讓同學們能夠走出校園和了解一下澳門的金融業的好機會。拜訪期間,現職中國銀行的澳大校友與同學們進行分享,為同學解答職涯規劃等問題。
Alumni and Development Office organized a visit to the Bank of China (Macau Main Branch) on 16 November 2016. This is a very good opportunity for our students to learn outside the University and get to know more about the financial sector in Macau. During the visit, some BOC staff that are UM alumni gave a sharing regarding career planning and other issues with our students.