活動回顧|張崑崙書院“師生聚 談人生”系列之——談談幸福感
CKLC Chat with Professor Series: Let’s Talk about Happiness Chaired by Prof. CHEN Weiwen
張崑崙書院“師生聚 談人生”系列之——談談幸福感於2022年3月29日晚上7時30分在書院多功能室舉行,活動邀請到教育學院陳薇文教授與書院學生暢談幸福感。
CKLC Chat with Professor Series: Let’s Talk about Happiness took place in the multi-function room at 7:30 p.m. on March 29, 2022. Prof. Wei Wen CHEN from Faculty of Education was invited to discuss the issue with CKLC students.
聚談伊始,陳教授介紹本次聚談將從心理學角度探討幸福感,並讓學生們為自己的幸福指數打分。 隨後,陳教授與學生們共同討論“幸福感是什麼? 影響因素有哪些? “、”心理素質是否對幸福感有影響? “、”原生家庭是否會對一個人的幸福感產生影響?” 等一系列的問題,學生們踴躍發言。 這期間,陳教授穿插了一些心理學知識的講解。 學生們深受啟發,熱烈討論,並逐步發掘出幸福的本質。 最後,陳教授詢問學生們在聚談中的收穫,並勉勵同學們用這次聚談中學到的方法去尋找幸福。
At the beginning, Prof. Chen laid out the orientation for the discussion–i.e. from psychological perspective, and asked students to score their happiness index. Then, Professor Chen discussed a series of topics with students, i.e., what is happiness? What are the factors that influence happiness? How has parenting style affected your happiness? What is mental quality? Does mental quality have any impact on happiness? etc.
Students actively engaged in the discussion, during which Professor Chen gave some explanations of psychological knowledge. Students were inspired and explored the essence of happiness step by step. Finally, Professor Chen asked students what they had learned in the gathering and encouraged the students to use the methods learned to identify happiness.
撰文:吳駱雄 大一 心理學系


