張崑崙書院邀請澳門精創音樂文化協會合辦了一場別開生面的「琴約崑崙 音樂聯歡會」。該活動於11月17號下午張崑崙書院宴會廳舉行,吸引超過120位師生、家長和小朋友歡聚一堂,以樂會友。活動也打破了年齡的界限,幾歲幼兒、小學生、中學生及大學生一同分享音樂,交流聯歡。張崑崙書院院長張美芳教授表示,期望透過該活動加強書院與澳門市民的聯繫,增強書院對社區活動的參與度,讓更多的澳門市民瞭解澳大及書院,同時延續學生對音樂的興趣,增添生活趣味,陶冶性情。
Cheong Kun Lun College and ELITE Joint Concert
Cheong Kun Lun College (CKLC) and the Association for Creativity and Music Culture co-organized a special concert on the afternoon of November 17 at CKLC dining hall. The event attracted over 120 parents, pre-school children, pupil, middle school students and CKLC staff and students. The concert broke the boundaries of age. Preschool children, primary and middle school students, and undergraduates took turn to share their music talents on the stage and have fun together.
Professor Meifang Zhang, College Master of CKLC, shared that the concert was organized as part of CKLC arts and culture series to provide a platform to both our students and the kids of Macao local families to show their talents, and to promote their interest in music. At the same time, though this kind of events, we expect to strengthen the connection with the Macao local families, to promote local community service, and to present a positive image of University of Macau (UM) and its Residential College system to the public.
During the event, many parents expressed that they were shocked by the beautiful UM campus and its Residential Colleges, and they agreed on UM’s whole-person education concept. They said that they were more willing to send their kids to UM to pursue their undergraduate study after this visit. The children also echoed the similar sharing.
For the full version, please refer to the Chinese version.