Dear CKLC members,

The results of our CKLC House Association (HA) Executives 2019/2020 Election (張崑崙書院新一屆院生會主席團成員選舉結果) has come out! 261 college members casted their votes (as there are around 440 resident members living in CKLC, so around 60% of CKLC residents casted their votes in this election)

Each student can choose at most 3 different candidates in a ballot, and there 7 HA Executive candidates. We are pleased to announce that the following 3 students are the newly elected Executives of CKLC House Association 2019/2020:

President Luo Jia Qing, 羅嘉卿
Vice President Liu Yang Xuan, 劉陽軒
Vice President Ren Yong Yin, 任永茵

Note: 2 staff representatives, 1 existing HA representative, 1 RA representative, 2 RT representatives, 1 normal student representative were present to monitor the whole process of counting ballot papers.

Please join us in giving our newly elected HA Executives the best of cordial welcomes, and they need your continuous support!